MAE 140 - Summer 2007

Linear Circuits


REMINDER: No class Monday, 13th of August, or Monday, 20th of August! We will have an extra hour Wednesday and Friday those two weeks.

Review Sessions before Midterm Andrew is running two review sessions, one on Monday, 20th of August at class time and another on Tuesday, 21st, at 18:00, possibly at EBU II 105. Check out for updates directly with him.

Review Sessions before Final I will run a problem solving session after class today. Andrew is running a review session at 18:00.

Class Times


Teaching Assistant

Office Hours

EBU II Room 105

You can make an appointment with me or the TA's by email.

Text Book

The Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits, 5th Edition, R. E. Thomas and A. J. Rosa, Wiley 2006.

Past Years Websites

You might want to check out this website. This may give you a better idea about the exams.

Lecture Notes


Part I

Part II

Grade Formula

GRADE = 0.2 * HOMEWORK + 0.3 * MIDTERM + 0.5 * FINAL


You may also want to check the frequency plot and percentile plot for the final grade distribution. The percentile plot shows the letter grade ranges.


Hand in at Friday class.
20% deduction for lateness by one day without reason, else 100%.
Solutions will be posted on this web site.
Formatting Instructions:

If you do not follow these instructions your homework will get lost!

Homework #1

T & R, 1-13, 1-21, 2-5, 2-10, 2-13, 2-28, 2-40
Due: 08/10/2007
(need a scan?)
(need a solution?)

Homework #2

T & R, 2-53, 2-58, 2-62, 3-37, 3-41, 3-2, 3-5
Due: 08/17/2007
(need a scan?)
(need a solution?)

Homework #3

T & R, 3-9, 3-12, 3-28
Due: 08/27/2007
(need a scan?)
(need a solution?)

Homework #4

T & R, 4.2, 4.14, 4.28, 4.31, 9.17, 9.31
Due: 08/31/2007
(need a scan?)
(need a solution?)

Homework #5

T & R, 10.3, 10.13, 10.21, 10.35, 10.44
Due: 09/07/2007
(need a scan?)
(need a solution?)