Downloads and Resources

Most of the supporting software and documentation for the experiments in the UGCL is available on this web page. You can find the following items here:

  1. Movies of experiments are in the form of AVI and (streaming) MPEG files. A media player such as the Windows Media Player is needed to view those multimedia files.
  2. Manuals and supporting documentation is available in the form of Portable Document Format (PDF) files and is a fairly unified way of transporting (printable) documents over the web. Obviously, you need to install Adobe Acrobat reader on your system in order to be able to view and print these documents.
  3. Matlab programs are in the form of M-files that are ASCII text files that can be viewed in your browser or directly saved to your drive.
  4. Drivers are in the form of C-files or stored in a ZIP archive. The c-files are ASCII text files that can be viewed in your browser or directly saved to your drive. The ZIP archive can be processed by PKZIP by PKWARE.



Matlab programs

Drivers for MultiQ3

UGCL web page developed and maintained by Raymond de Callafon.