Welcome to the homepage of the UGCL

The Undergraduate Control Laboratory (UGCL) at the department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE) is a laboratory that facilitate teaching of control related aspects to (under)graduate students at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD). The goal of the UGCL is to teach the main concepts of dynamic modeling, vibration analysis and feedback control to students at UCSD. For that purpose, the laboratory is currently equipped with several electromechanical systems on which the main concepts of dynamic modeling, vibration analysis and feedback control can be illustrated.

The hardware in the laboratory has special interface software and numerous thought-provoking experiments for the study of dynamics and mechanical vibrations. The equipment in the laboratory has many advanced system I/O and data processing capabilities. As a result, the experiments in the laboratory are used to generate experimental data for instructional purposes in several courses both at the graduate and undergraduate level. In addition, the experiments are used interactively by students to study problems of data-based modeling, dynamic system identification, vibration analysis and real-time control in a laboratory environment.

For more information on the laboratory, please follow the Quick Links displayed in the menu on the left. The UGCL website is revised regularly, so please press the reload button on your browser to make sure you see the latest version of this web page.

UGCL web page developed and maintained by Raymond de Callafon.