Sponsor Information

   In order to provide a real-world design experience in an educational environment, the UCSD Mechanical Engineering capstone design course solicits projects from industry, research, and the community. Teams of 3-6 students are given an open-ended design problem, and at the end of the 15 week design period, deliver a working prototype to the sponsor. Project topics can be interdisciplinary and have included electromechanical, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, and computer control. High levels of student motivation and creativity have lead to award winning design solutions that have been adapted by the sponsoring companies as part of their products or manufacturing processes. One can browse examples of prior projects to get a sense of the scope of the projects.

   The cost of sponsoring a project covers materials and shop expenses. Typical overall budgets range from $2,000 to $10,000. Students elect to work on industry projects, and assign patents rights to the sponsoring company. Complete project guidelines and other information is available by emailingmae156b-admin@mae.ucsd.edu. Projects are initiated twice a year. 

Instructions and deadlines for submiting proposals

Fall-Winter Projects

  • September 30th: Submit Project Title through on-line application.
  • October 15th: Email 1-2 page project description to mae156b-admin@mae.ucsd.edu. Please review the  example project description  and use the Template.
  • Project kickoff mid November
  • Project completion in mid March

Winter-Spring Projects

  • January 15th: Submit Project Title through on-line application.
  • January 31st: Email 1-2 page project description to mae156b-admin@mae.ucsd.edu. Please review the  example project description  and use the Template.
  • Project kickoff mid February
  • Project completion in mid June

Instructors and Contact Info

Course instructors meet with the teams on a weekly basis and mentor students through the design process. We will be happy to work with you to define a project that is both feasible and provides opportunities for student creativity, while meeting the design objectives of the project sponsor.  To propose a project or for additional information please contact: 

Nathan Delson, Ph.D.
Director, Mechanical Engineering Design Center    
Voice: (858) 534-0655
Email: ndelson@ucsd.edu​

Jerry Tustaniwskyj, Ph.D.
Voice: (949) 472-4420
Email: jtustaniwskyj@ucsd.ed 

Gregory Specht, M.S.
Undergraduate Lab Engineer Supporting 156B
Voice: (974) 943-1012
Email: gspecht@eng.ucsd.edu

Quotes from Prior Project Sponsors

"This is the second time participating in this course and it has been a pleasure working with the students. The prototypes they have built in a short time are very effective in moving the device to the next level of development. The first device is currently being modified by a company. I am even more hopeful the second project will be too." Dr. Jae H. Kim, UCSD Medical Center
"Really an enjoyable experience- Both we and the students learned alot! I very much want to participate again as a sponsor for another project. "  Dr. Virgil Woods, UCSD