University of California, San Diego




Class Information


Instructor:                                           Dr. M.A. Meyers

Class Hours:                                       MWF 11:00-11:50      Center 113

W: 10-10:50               Solis 104

Office:                                                EBU-II 259 (Dr. Meyers)

Office Hours:                                      W (4:00 - 6:00)           EBU-II 259

Class Start:                                         Jan. 5, 2009

Class Finish:                                       March 13 , 2009

TA:                                                      Irene Chen (

Grader :                                               Christian Deck

Class website:                           


Test Schedule (subject to change):


First Progress Exam                

Monday, Jan. 26

Midterm #1 Study Guide

Second Progress Exam:           

Wednesday, Feb. 18

Midterm #2 Study Guide

Final Exam


Final Study Guide





Midterm 1


Midterm 2




Final Exam




Grading will be done on a statistical basis from results obtained by the class. The exams will be closed book. 



The objective of this course is to develop an understanding of the important linkages between the structure and mechanical properties of materials.  The mechanical properties of materials, on their turn, determine the performance.  We are faced with an ever increasing number of materials, with ever more complex microstructures and mechanical properties.  The traditional structural materials are metals, ceramics, and polymers.  Monolithic materials are giving way to composites in many applications.  The most recent addition to Materials are the biological and biomaterials.  The course will cover the areas:  Structure, Properties (Mechanical), and Testing (Mechanical).


Textbook For This Course

Mechanical Behavior of Materials

M. A. Meyers and K. K. Chawla

Cambridge U. Press

Selected portions of this book will be used. We will cover approximately 40% of book.


Course Outline


Lecture Notes:

Chapter #1

Chapter #2

Chapter #3


Chapter #4

Chapter #5

Chapter #6

Chapter #7

Chapter #8

Chapter #9

Chapter #11

Chapter #13

Chapter #14


Midterm Solutions:

Midterm #1: problem #1, #2, #3, #4 (class average 58/100)

Midterm #2: problem #1, #2, #3, #4 (class average 73/100)




There will be design questions throughout the course. They will be marked D. Homework (4 questions) will be assigned on Wedensday  and collected on the following Wednesday, at the beginning of class (by Reader). Please note that earlier editions of book (used copies) might have HW with different number. One weekly session will focus on the solution of problems similar homework. Late Homework will receive half credit only.   The homework should be neat and written on engineering  paper (see instructions below). Neatness will count.  The total value will be 25%.  Students are strongly encouraged to work diligently on their homework.  Make-up exams will only be given if the student presents a medical certificate. The will be of the type” exam from hell” (hard, hot, long, and painful).

Solutions to homework will be on soft reserves and on the web.  Since many homework assignments have answers in back of the book, all work has to be CLEARLY shown.


Old homework can be picked up outside room 281, EBU-II


Homework #1: 1.26, 1.27, 1.30, 1.37, 1.38, 1.39 (class average 10.2/12)

Homework #2: 2.19, 2.29, 2.39, 2.47, 2.48 (class average 7.3/10)

Homework #3: 3.11, 3.17, 3.23, 3.27 (class average 7.1/8)

Homework #4: 4.21, 4.24, 4.26, 4.33, 4.40 (4.21 hint: convert enthalpy per mole to per atom) (class average 8.0/10)

Homework #5: 5.26, 5.29, 5.31, 6.30, 6.31, 6.32  (class average 10.7/12)

Homework #6: 7.37, 7.43, 7.44, 7.48 (class average 5.2/8)

Homework #7: 7.25, 7.26, 7.30, 8.16, 9.25

Homework #8: 9.8, 9.22, 13.4, 13.15

Homework #9: 14.8 14.9 14.10 14.19

Extra homework: Problem 13.4 Solution


Homework Guidelines