Carl H. Gibson, Professor of Engineering Physics and Oceanography, Departments of Applied Mechanics and Engineering Sciences, and Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Center for Astrophysics and Space Sciences, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093-0411, (858) 534-3184,, Research interests: Theoretical and experimental studies of turbulence and turbulent mixing; laboratory and field experiments; measurements of oceanic microstructure by profiling towed sensor platforms (patent '79); applications in laboratory, combustion, compressible flows, atmosphere, ocean, astrophysics and cosmology; self- gravitational flow; mechanisms of turbulent mixing; Prandtl number effects; statistical geometry; numerical simulation; turbulent events with stable stratification and rotation; 3-D and 2-D fossil-turbulence theory; effects of turbulence on marine phytoplankton. Education: BS/MS (U. Wisc. '56, '57), PhD (Stanford '62) in Ch. E. Positions: Ch. E. (ORNL '58), AEC Fellow ('58-'61), Peace Corps Vol. (Osmania U., India, '62-'64), Vis. Inv. (WHOI, '64), Res. Eng. (UCSD '65), Asst./Assoc./Prof. (AMES/SIO UCSD '66-). AIChE, AGU, APS (Fellow '75), Society for Statistical Geometry, Guggenheim Fellow ('73-'74), Academician IEAS ('95). Eight ocean expeditions on R/Vs FLIP, Thomas Washington, Medeleev, Kurchatov, and Keldysh. Eighty articles in books and journals.