Practice Program 5.2:
(Note: the use of subroutines is discussed in Chapter 7)
! Ask a user to enter a date in MM-DD-YY format.
! For example, 1-25-99 is January 25, 1999
! Separate the numbers representing the month, date, and year.
! Display each number with an appropriate label.
! For example, print "The date you entered is January 25, 1999."
! for the given example. Assume the twentieth century.
! Run do trace, slow (month$,day$,year$). Copy (^C) the command, and paste (^V) in the Command
! Window, which appears with ^j.
PRINT "Please enter a date as MM-DD-YY, eg. 1-30-87."
PRINT "Use only dates in the twentieth century."
PRINT "The date you entered is"; " "; when$
CALL month (when$, month$)
CALL day (when$, day$)
CALL year (when$, year$)
PRINT "This date may also be written as ";"month$";" ";"day$";",";" ";"year$"
PRINT "In your case, the date would be ";month$;" ";day$;",";year$
SUB month (When$, month$)
LET month$ = When$[1 : pos(When$,"-") - 1]
IF month$ = "1" then LET month$ = "January"
IF month$ = "2" then LET month$ = "February"
IF month$ = "3" then LET month$ = "March"
IF month$ = "4" then LET month$ = "April"
IF month$ = "5" then LET month$ = "May"
IF month$ = "6" then LET month$ = "June"
IF month$ = "7" then LET month$ = "July"
IF month$ = "8" then LET month$ = "August"
IF month$ = "9" then LET month$ = "September"
IF month$ = "10" then LET month$ = "October"
IF month$ = "11" then LET month$ = "November"
IF month$ = "12" then LET month$ = "December"
SUB day (When$, Day$)
LET Day$ = When$[pos(When$,"-") + 1 : posr(When$,"-") - 1 ]
SUB year (When$, Year$)
LET Year$ = When$[posr(When$,"-") + 1 : 100]
LET Year$ = "19" & Year$
The output might be:
Please enter a date as MM-DD-YY, eg. 1-30-87.
Use only dates in the twentieth century.
? 10-9-98
The date you entered is 10-9-98
This date may also be written as month$ day$, year$
In your case, the date would be October 9,1998