ASK item displays information about a computer environment
ASK #N: item displays information about properties of file #N.
See the reference manual for a list of allowed items.
CALL sub-name(arg1, arg2,..., argN) invokes the subroutine
headed by the SUB statement with the same name. CALL
arguments must match SUB parameters in number, type,
position, and number of dimensions.
CLEAR clears the screen or output window and resets the text
cursor to row 1, column 1; also switches to the full screen for
CLOSE #N closes the channel of a file, printer, or window
opened as #N. You must close a channel before you can open a
new channel with the same number.
DATA item1, item2,..., itemN stores string and numeric values
in memory where they can be accessed by a READ statement.
String values can be quoted or unquoted, items are separated by
DECLARE DEF func-name1, func-name2,..., func-nameN
names all external functions used in a program unit before their
first use.
DEF func-name(param1, param2,..., paramN) = expression
defines a single-line function. The expression may be numeric or
sting, in the latter case func-name must end with a $. See DEF
structure for more details.
DEF structure
DEF func-name(param1, param2,..., paramN)
<function body>
Arguments must match DEF parameters in number, type,
position, and number of dimensions. Functions are isolated
from other program units, changes in a parameter's value will
not change the value of the corresponding argument.
DIM array1(bounds), array2(bounds),..., arrayN(bounds)
establishes the size of each array and sets the bounds for each
dimension of that array; the bounds must be specified by
constants. Every array must be dimensioned by the DIM
statement before it is used in another statement.
DO structure
Do {|WHILE test|UNTIL test|}
<loop body>
LOOP {|WHILE test|UNTIL test|}
The DO statement (and the LOOP statement) can contain a
WHILE test or an UNTIL test or nothing.
END stops a program, it must be the last statement in the main
program unit; one and only one END statement is required.
Required as the last statement in a FUNCTION (same as DEF),
IF, SELECT CASE, SUB, or WHEN structure.
ERASE #N erases the contents of a file opened as channel #N.
Exits (jumps beyond) the inner-most DO, FUNCTION (or
DEF), FOR, OR SUB structure.
EXTERNAL must appear at the start of a LIBRARY file of
external procedures. It is optional as the first work in an external
procedure heading.
FOR structure
FOR control-variable = low-limit TO up-limit STEP val
<loop body>
NEXT control-variable
The control-variable must be a simple numeric variable. The
STEP clause is optional; if missing, the value is set to 1.
IF condition THEN simple-statement1 ELSE simple-statement2
executes simple-statement1 if the condition is "true", simple-
statement2 if the condition is "false." Condition must be a logical
variable or expression. The ELSE clause can be omitted.
IF structure
IF condition1 THEN
ELSEIF condition2 THEN
ELSEIF condition3 THEN
If condition1 is "true", only branch1 is executed; if condition2 is
"true", only branch2 is executed; if condition3 is "true", only
branch3 is executed; If all conditions are "false", branch4 is
executed. The ELSEIF and ELSE statements are optional, the
END IF statement is required.
INPUT var1, var2,..., varN displays a ? and waits for user
input. The input can be strings or numbers separated by
INPUT PROMPT string-constant: var1, var2,..., varN displays
the quoted string-constant and waits for user input.
INPUT #N: var1, var2,... accepts input from open text file #N
and assigns it to the variables. Commas act as separators
between groups of characters on the file, one group being
assigned to each variable.
LET variable = expression evaluates the expression and assigns
the value to the variable. Keyword LET not required if OPTION
NOLET has been executed.
LIBRARY quoted-string,..., quoted-string names the file or
files containing external procedures needed by the entire
LINE INPUT and LINE INPUT PROMPT are similar to the
INPUT statements. They accept only string values; all characters
up to the EOLN characters are assigned to a string variable.
LINE INPUT #N: var1, var2,... has features of both INPUT
#N and LINE INPUT. It accepts string values from open text
file #N, it assigns a separate line of characters from the file to
each variable.
LOCAL var1, var2,..., varN makes the named variables local to
the routine containing the statement, it is used mostly with
internal procedures and with the TYPO option.
LOOP statement, see the DO structure.
MAT REDIM array(bounds) redimensions the array to new
bounds; the new bounds can be specified by constants,
variables, or expressions.
OPEN #N: NAME pathname, ACCESS mode, CREATE mode
opens channel #N to a text file with name pathname; access
mode is "outin" (by default), "input", or "output"; create mode is
"old" (by default), "new", or "newold."
OPEN #N: PRINTER opens channel #N to the attached printer.
Sets the default unit (degrees or radians) for angle values and
variables in trigonometric functions.
OPTION NOLET allows you to write assignment statements
without the LET keyword, like "Y = Sin(X)" rather than "LET Y
= Sin(X)."
OPTION TYPO requires that all non-array variables used after it
be declared explicitly in LOCAL statements or appear as
parameters in procedure headings; this permits any variable not
so declared to be identified as a typo (a possible misspelling).
PAUSE sec stops the program for sec seconds and then
PRINT print-list displays items in a print-list on the screen,
these items must be separated bycommas or semicolons and
followed by a final semicolon. Commas separate items by a zone
width, semicolons place items close together, the final semicolon
suppresses the line feed and carriage return that normally occur
after a PRINT statement.
PRINT USING format-list: print-list displays items in a print list
on the screen, using the formatting instructions in the format list.
Items in the print list are separated by commas (these commas
have no affect on format) and may be followed by a final
semicolon. Common characters in the format-list are # and $.
PRINT #N: print-list
PRINT #N, USING format-list: print -list
These statements (producing the same results as the previous
PRINT statements) direct output to channel #N rather than to the
screen, the channel number refers to a file or the attached printer.
RANDOMIZE produces a new seed for the random number
generator, it cannot be executed more than once in a program.
READ var1, var2,..., varN assigns the next item in the DATA
list to its variables.
REM character-list adds a comment (the character-list) to a
program. An exclamation point (!) can be used in place of the
word REM.
These statements reset the file pointer to the beginning or end of
the file opened as channel #N.
RESTORE resets the data pointer to the beginning of the first
DATA statement.
SELECT CASE structure
SELECT CASE select-expression
CASE case-specifier
CASE case-specifier
CASE case-specifier
The SELECT CASE structure should have one or more CASE
parts and a CASE ELSE part. A case-specifier may have one or
more case-parts separated by commas. The allowed case-parts
constant TO constant
IS relational-operator constant
These constants must be the same type, numeric or string as the
select-expression. When the first case-specifier is satisfied, the
branch after it is executed and control passes to the END
SELECT statement. Satisfied means that the select-expression
equals a case-part (constant), the select-expression is within the
range of a case-part (constant TO constant), or the select-
expression makes a logical case-part true (IS relational-
expression constant). If no case-specifier is satisfied, the no-
match-branch after CASE ELSE is executed.
SET item value assigns a new value to a computer environment
SET #N: item value assigns a new value to a property of file #N.
See the reference manual for a list of allowed items.
STOP stops execution of the program.
SUB structure
SUB sub-name(param1, param2,..., paramN)
<subroutine body>
A SUB is executed when it is called by a CALL statement. The
arguments in this statement must match the SUB parameters in
number, type, position, and number of dimensions. When an
argument is a variable, any change in the value of the
corresponding parameter is passed back to the argument.
WHEN structure
<protected block>
<error-handling block>
The WHEN structure allows you to trap a runtime error in the
protected block of statements, prevent the program from
stopping and displaying an error message, and handle the error
with your own program statements in the error-handling block.