! MExample Subprogram 11-1
! Subroutine for bubble sort algorithm.
! Sort array in ascending alphabetic order.
! Parameters: Array$() array of strings
! N no. of strings in array
! include main program and test with an array
! put days of the week in alphabetical order
DIM days$(7)
LET d=7
MAT READ days$
DATA su,mo,tu,we,th,fr,sa
CALL sort (days$(),d)
SET ZONEWIDTH 3 ! so the array can be printed on a line
MAT PRINT days$ ! the days of the week in alphabetical order
!output is: fr mo sa su th tu we
SUB Sort (Array$(), N)
! Bubble sort a string array
! in ascending alphabetic order.
LET Sorted$ = "true"
FOR Index = 1 to (N - 1)
IF Array$(Index) > Array$(Index + 1) then
LET Temp$ = Array$(Index)
LET Array$(Index) = Array$(Index + 1)
LET Array$(Index + 1) = Temp$
LET Sorted$ = "false"
NEXT Index
LOOP until Sorted$ = "true"